lørdag, juli 26, 2008

it is HOT

It has been some hot days here , the puppies spends most days doozing under a garden chair but there are still a few things to see: first of have DD started using the large den she buildt when she was giving birth: it is lovely and cool under the jasmine bushes and the pups enjoys being taken there - one time when Puuma barked at a car coming up the drive all the puppies ran for shelter in the den, like proper little fox cubs :-)

DD is enjoying the company of her puppies now, even if some of them insists on eating others want to play with her and she is trying to teach them good doggy language - like yawning when you want someone to stop. They find the open mouth hugely interesting - but I am not sure they understand the finer points yet.

- and then, in the coolness of the evening the pups finally play

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