søndag, september 14, 2008

what happened to Blue and Bordeaux?

Helle og Henrik og Funny
Originally uploaded by kibutata.
the story about the F-pups on the old farm is finished - now they are not blue, green, purple, red, rosa, white, bordeaux and lilac but Taitha, Diezel, N'kosi, Fuba, Cassie, Fuma, Funny and Phoebe and real little puppies trying learn how to live and behave with their new wonderful families. If anybody has been counting the images of happy new owners with their pups - two was still missing: Blue and Bordeaux: Blue who is now Taitha has moved to become a city dog in Fredericia and as his new "mum" is a member of the family and I am still co-owner on him we will see him frequently in the future. Bordeaux the poor little thing ;-) has been sentenced to stay on the farm and Funny Bunny is a daily joy to the two legged and a daily frustration to the four legged - cats, dogs and sheep........

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1 kommentarer:

Klokken 8. december 2008 kl. 11.27 , Anonymous Anonym sagde ...

Very good! Very splendid! Support!


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