tirsdag, juni 16, 2009

Funny has been at "work" camp

Saturday afternoon the two "girls" Funny and Sophie left for an evening out in the woods. Sophies work Toursport had invited staff and family for a day out in the nature and of course Funny being a close family member and much less embarrassing than the rest of the Lauridsens had to come along.
It was a fun night - little kids all over the place, some of them in distinctly "strange" clothing (like a bicycle helmet) adults sneaking treats and playing football and so much petting that all the loose hairs (she is molting) just flew off and Funny just enjoyed it all being her gentle well behaved self (hmmm wonder where THAT comes from?)

Only once during a particularly rambuctious race she had to be left behind, and that was a bit hard to understand


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