søndag, december 07, 2008

This is embarrassing

no posts since September!!!! and it isnt because we have all been hibernating in the encroaching darkness and wetness of Danish Autumn. We have been at puppy classes with Cassie - former Rosa, who is totally recuperated from her DS operation and Sammy and Eliza have been working hard learning the right steps and turns in Rally-O.

But we have also had some really bad news: old beloved Puuma, the mother of many beautiful puppies and the undisputed alpha female in this house started fading, during the fall she was not as active as normal, and I noticed she was limping and was in some pains.
First trip to the vet - (after a thorough physical and clear blood panels) elderly dog, maybe a little worn, but a light pain management should clear her ... it didnt and she was most definitely not better, back to vet who on my requests did a hyperthyroid panel on her - positive, but by then her pains were clearly noticeable and her limp concentrated to her left front leg. Now to x-rays : and now the truth showed it self: Puuma has osteosarcoma - bonecancer, which is irreversible and usually quick. Diagnosis was 4 weeks ago and we were not given many days to say goodbye. ... But a different (and stronger) pain management has given us a little hope that we might have her even past christmas - but with cancer nothing is sure, so now we enjoy her every day as a gift

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