lørdag, november 21, 2009

Cough cough cough

Kennel cough, not swineflu, is right now keeping the three of Vestekaergaards inhabitants in a rather subdued state, Sammy got it first and is now in a state of Mummyyy I am OK, I can go out and play..... but the least bit of excersize - or heaven forbid - barking still leaves her totally out of breath. Yankee and Funny both got it two days after Sammy, and spent most of last night coughing even if well dosed with cough repressant medicine.
Today Funny seemed fresh and well so we decided that her planned weekend trip to stay with friends in Aarhus could go ahead, as long as she didnt get in contact with other dogs.

.... and little Eliza? not a cough to dampen her barking of strange people with funny orange hats walking down the field next to our house with their dogs.... not sure the hunters appreciated being followed by an alert and curious terrier all the way down our fence.

The picture is from last weeks lurecoursing where lungs was still in good working order - Old Yankee is still doing pretty well here, esp when running against his old love Chessie, both of them seemed to find a fifth gear all of a sudden - keeping up appearances!

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