mandag, december 22, 2008

a week later.....

The couch seems empty - and so does the house, somehow the remaining 4 dogs does not take up as much space as the one who has left even if the dog pack has been volatile and extremely noisy in the past week. Even if Puuma was old and her powers waning her presence still gave the pack a necessary equilibrium they now have to find again. The hardest hit is perhaps little 6 months old Funny, whom Puuma just had to lift her head and look at to make her shut up and behave as a good puppy - her respect for the rest of the pack is not great enough and she has been a holy terror this last week: barking and inviting to play wether the other dogs wants to or not, biting in EVERYTHING, peeing gallons indoors. Sammy has been too depressed to take up the challenge, which of course is interpreted as a weakness by the cheeky little brat - but fortunately this has been changing over the weekend. Yankee is still withdrawn, lies more by himself than he usually does but here Funny's persistance helps, he is her favourite playmate wether he wants to or not :-) The next days the house will fill with favourite humans and dogs and it will be a good change for all.


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