onsdag, oktober 17, 2007

Zazu is not allergic!!!

Since Zazu was a pup he has had ear problems, itchy ears, red ears, ears with "stuff" in..... the vet did this and that, Desiree dripped all sorts of medicine into the ears, changed food every half bag, went more to the vets than to the hairdressers......
We were WORRIED!
But - some months ago I read an article in "Hunden" about heriditary allergies and how it was determined - AND the name of a vet specializing in this problem. The rest is history: First thing she did was to anesthetize him and clean his ears ... PROPERLY this time. He had had residual ear infection for over a year.
This helped a lot. And when I say a lot I mean a LOT! Then he was put on a diet of "normal" food, not BARF or anything special - just any meats, potatoes, rice, vegies.
He is now declared 100% free of hereditary allergies, but he is sensitive to the mites who lives in dog kibble (dried dog food) - which after all is not such a natural thing for dogs to eat.
So - the big decision has been made: We are going to mate him to DD early winter 2008
