mandag, maj 26, 2008

DD's mave vokser/DD's tummy is expanding

DD er nu tydeligt drægtig, patterne er store og lyserøde og den slanke linje er ved at blive blød og "konet" /DD is now visibly pregnant - her normally trim outline is softening and she prefers to lie on the couch having ears and belly rubbed. No more wild games for me thank you!

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søndag, maj 18, 2008

TILLYKKE Hooray - Lewanika A kuld 10 år i dag! /Lewanika A litter is 10 years old

Det er nu idag ti år siden det allerførste kuld blev født for kennel Lewanika - tillykke kære A'ere!
Lewanika A- Litter is ten years old today


Sammy bestået Rally Lydighed begynderklasse/Sammy has passed her first Rally trial

Sammy har lige været oppe til sin første Rally prøve og bestod med 88 point - dygtiiiggg!


fredag, maj 16, 2008

DD er drægtig/ DD is pregnant

DD has been scanned and is pregnant with "plus/minus 8" puppies. Puppies expected around June 24th

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mandag, maj 05, 2008

Zazu in Hillerød

maskulin dog, very good head, correct bite, very good topline and front, excellent proprotions, hind quarters, very good ridge and coat, very good chest, correct feet, moves fluently but very loose in front. VG (because the judge thought him too small ? he is 69 cms and weighs 42 kgs..... that is the very top of the standard...)

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Manchestere på Hillerød udstillingen 4/5 2008

Lovely day, high sun right from 6 am when I left the house. Eliza sitting next to me proud as a queen for being allowed to come along without any of the big ones. After a little bit of waiting and reconnecting with lovely litter brother Tobby, it was time for the ring: (show critique coming soon)
Both litter mates was judged to be too small, which is very disturbing as we later measured Tobby to be 41 cms and Eliza to be 37,5cms (with an official measuring stick) and the standard clearly says:
Ideel shoulder height males 40 to 41 cm, bitches 38 cm.

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torsdag, maj 01, 2008

Sammy EX4 i Stepping

Sammy var på udstilling i dag og det gik fint, ikke alene var hun helt afslappet og nød det hele (mor har altså nogen gode guffer) men hun viste sig også rigtigt flot og blev i en meget stor tæve klasse belønnet med placeringen som EX4 - FLOT bette tøs!
Dommer Erling Kjær Pedersen: Harmonisk bygget, pænt hoved og udtryk, fin hals og ryg, normalt vinklet, noget faldende kryds, udmærket brystkasse, gode benstammer, sunde bevægelser

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Yankee still runs to catch the bunny

Sunday April 27th we went for the first Lurecoursing event, both Sammy and Yankee thought it was great to stretch out again and what was even more fun : 6 of Yankees offspring with different bitches was there, from left to right: Sammy, Yankee, Caziba, Cekesi, Zulu , Dodo, Numa, all of them thought that the line up was just another chance of getting the lure so we had problems holding them :-)

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