søndag, juni 29, 2008

Peace in the puppy box

syren sover
Originally uploaded by kibutata.
Eating, sleeping, being cleaned, that is what life is all about. DD is totally relaxed even when strange people come by to look at the puppies.

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fredag, juni 27, 2008

DD is a quick learner

2008 06 27 003
Originally uploaded by kibutata.
the Milk is flowing, DD is rejecting the help of Puuma and the pups are gaining weight FAST.

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torsdag, juni 26, 2008

granma comes to DDs aid

this way
Originally uploaded by kibutata.
Things are definitely looking up, the milk is flowing and DD is (most of the time) like glued to the whelping box (last night she *did* prefer to sneak into our bed). All puppies are steadily gaining weight.
But one thing is still missing: little pups needs to be licked a lot as they cant empty themselves. DD is at present totally clueless why she should stick her tounge anywhere near that yellow stuff coming out of the little ones...... but fortunately experienced help is at hand: grandma Puuma is more than happy to lend a hand (tounge) and DD is slowly catching the idea (yikes...)

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onsdag, juni 25, 2008

It is an exhausting business

6 o'clock evening, DD has accepted her new position as mother (just think of all the nice food) and is actually beginning to enjoy her babies. The human part of the family is exhausted and Puuma waiting back stage to help out with the cleaning of the babies (these young mothers have to learn how to do things properly) - and DD is happy to accept her help.

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Kejsersnit.... / Cesarian

Despite all DDs good efforts of going back to the wild, we finally had to resort to the vets knife at 3pm on the afternoon of the 24th, after 30 hrs of not strong enough contractions to bring two head on collission pups out. No wonder, there was 14 large puppies, however 6 of them were ridgeless and for the sake of DD I made the difficult decision of not letting them wake up after the operation. 8 puppies, 5 girls and 3 boys came back home, and the last 24 hrs have been tough on both humans and DD as she didnt want to have anything to do with the little scary screamers and didnt even want to go near the welping box for a look. But eventually she came closer, by midnight one pup at the time was allowed to suckle.
And now 24 hrs later they are all by her side, and Puuma is teaching her to clean them. More to come - pictures etc...

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tirsdag, juni 24, 2008

tilbage til naturen?/ Call off the wild?

Veerne er begyndt og DD har travlt med at indrette sin hule under jasmin busken i haven
Contractions has started and DD being true to her RR nature have insisted on building a lovely deep hollow in under the jasmine bush, MUCH better than the soft couch indoors


torsdag, juni 19, 2008

De sparker! /they are kicking me - still one week to go

Med kun en uge tilbage orker DD bare at spise og sove / With one week to go DD feels like a beached whale and just want to eat and sleep... and did I mention eat?


tirsdag, juni 10, 2008

DD bliver tykkere/DD is getting fatter!

Med kun to uger tilbage til fødselen er maven ved at være stor og meget mærkeligt, lige pludseligt kan man ikke fare rundt som man plejer... øv!
With only two weeks to the puppies are due the belly is getting huge and cumbersome.... what is happening?


søndag, juni 01, 2008

Sammy Excellent at Varde show

Sammy did well in the Ridgeback Club Varde show, judge Lynne Harwood, Australia:
Feminine bitch, good bones and substance, moves very true, head and expression very good, feet good, ridge could be a bit longer.

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