fredag, april 02, 2010

sloooowly ever so slooowly

waiting for the progesterone to rise... still only 2.0 .... expected breeding sometime next week....


torsdag, april 01, 2010

the boys

two bitches in heat are not the most welcome guests when visiting a home with a young male...... so Sammy and Eliza had to stay at home while Yankee, Henrik and I went to visit Taitha and his family.
Taitha is a large, strong and at present very testeterone challenged youngster who doesnt back off for any male - Yankee is 11½ years old neutered and much smaller.  But - Yankee is "daddy" - the male who showed puppy Taitha how to behave, when mommy DD didnt feel up to that challenge.
So Yankee found the best place in front of the fire, collected all Taithas toys  around him and started dismantling Taithas best chew toys, while totally ignoring Taithas nervous wanders around him. Just once a short growl was heard - after that Taitha just humbly laid down on the bare floor at a respectful distance.
