søndag, december 28, 2008

the boys Mandie, Thaita, Yankee

the boys Mandie, Thaita, Yankee
Originally uploaded by kibutata.
....Mandie's diary, cont... today was another weird day in this house, or rather it wasnt in this house, they put me in the car right after breakfast along with Yankee (who is actually rather nice, now I know him better) and drove for a long time. When the car stopped I was in a new place! which was a bit worrying, but then that little rascal Thaita came running and wanted to play and then suddenly the girls Funny and Sammy arrived in another car and all of us was leashed and taken for a walk. I have to say it was a bit embarrassing - I mean that Funny? she just pulls and pulls and does not have any ideas of how to behave. But suddenly we were at a wonderful BIG empty beach and we were all let off leash to run, and did we run and run and play and even Yankee played like a puppy again, and I wanted to chase the waves - but.. they were quite cold and WET! and the humans just laughed at me as I got rather wet.
Helle was annoyed as she had forgotten the battery to her camera, so no pictures.
Thaita is such a baby, everytime I just bumped him a little, he started screaming for his mum and looked like his legs were broken but of course they were not, and honestly I do play very gently.
In the end we all went into the little house - all 5 ridgies - I dont know why the humans said the house was rather full? There are some strange rules in the house: we are not allowed in the sofa =:-0 (imagine) and not into the kitchen, so us three boys spent a lot of time begging right at the edge to the kitchen.

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