søndag, februar 15, 2009

Taitha and Funny at their first DKK show in Fredericia

Ridgebacks were on late so we had a slow morning and only arrived in the show hall when almost all 1700 dogs were present. The activity must have seemed fairly overwhelming at first - Funny stopped at the entrance and was not really sure if she wanted to proceed. And it was a strange world: open barrels of food ALL over the place, pigs ears, smoked bones, toys in nose height... and dogs of all concievable sizes and shapes - totally overwhelming and not just a little scary. So Funnys delight was big when she spotted the RRs ... phew FINALLY some real dogs, and IMAGINE even some of her very best human and doggy friends like Mandie and Thaita and their humans.
Of course both Thaitha and Funny got some last minute ring training and both stacked and gaited like the well behaved puppies they are supposed to be...
.... and then it was showtime....
Thaita quickly found out that he didnt "really" want to be in the ring and that that weird strange man (with a tie no less) shouldnt just pull his tail and grab him there and there. So suddenly he forgot all about stacking and behaved more like a cat on a hot plate: moving, never stacking, crouching, sitting, etc etc - NOT a pretty sight, and even if he still gaited beautifully he got the deserved "promising" , but still a fairly good critique:
Hanhvalp af passende størrelse. Udmærket hovede og udtryk. God hals, overlinie og kryds. Lidt kort brystkasse får ham til at fremstå lidt opkneben. Normale benstammer, bevæger sig godt med god skridtlængde.

Funny on the other hand started out like the sweet little girl she is : stacked nicely and gaited prettily - until the up- and down.... something itchy on her side = three legged gait... hmmm
back to stack - she got her "Very Promising" and now had to compete with the other girl pup about best puppy bitch. And now the itchy point on her side got worse - another threelegged run... and a ahmmm well deserved second place:
Velbygget tævehvalp. Feminin, velskåret hovede, velformede mørke øjne, flot hals. Korrekt længde i ryggen. God front. Acceptable poter. Udmærket ribbensbue, velvinklet. Gode parallele bevægelser.

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